The warm Southern air wraps around me, inviting me in and gently taking me back to those nostalgic memories of growing up in Louisiana. Saturday mornings were especially filled with activity and life - the mouth-watering smells of my grandma's Roast & Vegetable and Jelly Cake, my head still warm from the pressing
oil that made it's way to my scalp with no remorse.
Cartoons blaring on the Magnavox, and I always
ready to take my bike out for a spin off to the park.
On Sunday mornings I would wake with great
anticipation - Grandma would help me prepare for the
day, giving me her special perfumed powder in a
gorgeous glass jar, finding me the perfect dress. Now
her routine is what legends are make of as she had her
pick of countless hats that she had stored in beautiful
boxes above the chifforobe - one for every occasion & dress.
I used to strut around wearing the most amazing hats,
much like the legend herself when she made her
spectacular entrances. My spirit inspired, now I too
have a love for hats, inherited, Simply from Ella